A 5 day course that helps perimenopausal moms to..

Combat hot flashes, stress, exhaustion and gain foundational insight towards what is happening to your body behind the scenes.

 So you can feel more INFORMED, ENERGIZED, EMPOWERED, and IN CONTROL of the steps you take next to support your body and your life during this midlife transition.

Make My Life Easier

Attention: Mid-life moms who have put themselves on the back burner for WAY. TOO. LONG.

You’re the backbone to your family schedule, appointments, the 'go to' person; the one who others call on for advice, support, and input; and one who has already demonstrated a strong commitment to make a difference in the lives of your family, friends and colleagues.

And you absolutely can be that person for everyone else.

There’s just one small, eh em.. ENORMOUS… problem:

You have yet to put yourself first!

You’re tackling multiple demands a day, managing multiple schedules and are in charge of what feels like the weight of the world.

You’re noticing your body is throwing some new symptoms at you, you haven't experienced before (ex: hot flashes, night sweats, emotional rollercoaster, pure exhaustion)

Free time? You don’t know her! Between taking care of your family and work, you barely have time to brush your hair (let alone book a yoga class!).

Combating feeling like a daily walking zombie
along with the multiple demands of balancing family and work life can feel like an up-hill battle, I know.

Especially when you’ve already tried getting up earlier to tackle ‘all the things,’ overhauling everything in your diet all at once, and exercising every day, and everything else you’ve been told you ‘just have to do…”

I’ve been there myself. I get it.

I know that feeling of a losing battle and the thoughts that roll around in your head, “why do I even bother?,” “I’ve failed before, I’ll fail again,” “Why is this time any different?,” “If I could just wiggle my nose like Bewitched, I would fix it all..”

And I’m here to help you. 

Hi, I’m Melissa.

I help moms tackle their perimenopause symptoms and increase their Energy through unique micro-habit changes.

If knowing where to start seems impossible, welcome.

Like you, I struggled with quality sleep, I was gaining weight (especially around my midsection), and felt like I was in my daily life on auto-pilot (but not the good kind). I felt like my kids saw a shell of their mom; depressed and anxious, always saying, “no, not today. Maybe tomorrow.” Yeah, it wasn’t great!

Since then, I’ve changed my ‘all or nothing’ mindset, lost weight, gained confidence, and I feel more energized, in control, and better equipped to handle my next hot flash or unexpected challenge, and have gone on to help other women just like you achieve Energy and Confidence through sustained micro-habit changes, with my Smash the Crash Method.



A 5 day course that builds the foundation of what peri/menopause is, and steps you can take, organically, without hormones, to tackle the symptoms.

Everyone is different and experiences this mid-life transition differently.
YOU are in the driver seat of your own perimenopause journey. YOU determine the next best steps to feeling better, because who knows you better than you?! Exactly…

Get Instant Access

What you get:

(for less than 15 minutes a day)

  • 1 video/day x 5 days (watch via smartphone or PC)
  • Corresponding note sheets
  • Private podcast so you can listen on-the-go.


Here’s how SMASH week will help you increase your energy and build confidence.


Say no more. I need this. Let's Do this!