Work With Me

Judgement Free and Empathetic

health coach why melissa Nov 21, 2023

Embarking on a journey to improve one's health and well-being can be a challenging endeavor. Whether you're striving to lose weight, manage a chronic condition, or simply adopt a healthier lifestyle, the support and guidance of a health coach can be a game-changer.

In my opinion, the following qualities of a health coach are important to a strong coach-client relationship.


In Health coaching, an empathetic coach not only listens to their clients but also truly comprehends their emotional state, struggles, and aspirations. This quality enables the coach to offer guidance that is personalized, relevant, and, most importantly, supportive.


Empathy lays the foundation for trust. When clients feel understood and heard, they are more likely to trust their health coach's guidance. Trust is essential for clients to open up about their challenges, fears, and setbacks, which are crucial aspects of the health journey.

Motivating and Accountable with Honesty and without Judgement

An empathetic health coach knows how to motivate clients effectively. They can connect on an emotional level and tailor their approach to inspire positive change. By understanding a client's emotional triggers and barriers, an empathetic coach can help them stay committed and accountable to their goals.

Clients are more likely to be honest about their habits and struggles when they know their health coach won't judge them. This honesty is essential for creating realistic and effective health plans.

Why a health coach and why Melissa?

In the realm of health coaching, having an empathetic, non-judgmental coach is not just beneficial; it's crucial to achieving positive outcomes.

As a Registered Nurse for over 17 years, I understand that each individual is on their own journey. I am here to meet you where you are and help guide you to where YOU see yourself in the future. Whether that is 3 months, 6 months or 6 years from now; we take one foot in front of the other, one day at a time. 

I am here to offer you tips and tricks to create sustainable long term self-care routines and to help you build a healthier lifestyle that fits your unique journey. 



Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, frozen in all the to-do's, and defeated?

Are you ready to take the plunge and turn the focus that you give to everyone else around inward?

You are meant for great things. 

It's time to fill your own cup. 

Take the Perimenopausal Energy Audit today