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Hydration, Movement, and Mindful Eating: Your Perimenopause Holiday Survival Guide

Jul 01, 2024

Hey Smash the Crash fam! It's Melissa Hinman, and with the 4th of July upon us, we're diving into a topic many of us can relate to: staying healthy during holidays and long weekends.

Between fireworks, barbecues, and family gatherings, routines get disrupted. Sleep schedules go wonky, healthy meals fly out the window, and exercise routines get pushed aside. The guilt sets in, making you feel like you've fallen off track.

But here's the good news: you haven't failed!

The Power of Small Wins

The key to surviving busy stretches is small, focused adjustments. Don't overhaul your entire routine. Make tiny tweaks that add up to big wins for your health.

Self-Compassion is Key

Long weekends disrupt routines, and that's okay! Life is messy. The important thing is to get back on track with self-compassion. This isn't a test; it's a holiday. Let's focus on small wins that help you feel good and build healthier habits.

Holiday Challenges and Small Focuses

Here are some common challenges you might face over the 4th of July weekend, along with small focus strategies to combat them:

  • Sleep Schedule Disruptions: Late nights and fireworks can throw your sleep off.

  • Small Focus: Aim for gradual adjustments throughout the week leading up to the holiday. If you know you'll be out late, try going to bed a little earlier each night beforehand. Even a short catnap before a late-night event can help.

  • Healthy Eating Challenges: Delicious barbecue spreads can be a landmine for healthy choices.

  • Small Focus: Fill your plate with healthy options first: veggie kebabs, grilled chicken, or a fresh salad. When it comes to treats, enjoy a mindful portion. Savor the flavor, and you might be surprised that one bite is enough.

Bonus Tip: Drinking a glass of water before meals can help you feel fuller and make healthier choices.

  • Exercise Routine on Hold: Who has time for the gym when there's family fun to be had?

  • Small Focus: Even short bursts of activity make a difference. Take a brisk walk, do some quick stretches before fireworks, or throw in some bodyweight exercises while waiting for food to grill. Every little bit counts!

Prioritizing Sleep

Even with disruptions, try to maintain a sleep schedule as much as possible. Relaxation techniques before bed like a calming bath, deep breathing, or reading can signal to your body it's time to wind down.

Remember: Small changes add up to big results. Don't get discouraged if things aren't perfect. Celebrate those small wins: the extra glass of water, the walk around the block, the healthy choice at the barbecue. You're doing an amazing job!

Let's keep the conversation going! Smash the Crash is here to empower you to navigate perimenopause and beyond. Join us and remember, you are strong, capable, and worthy. 

Bonus Recipe! Check out Melissa's favorite fruit salad HERE, a perfect healthy side dish for any summer gathering.

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