Work With Me

 Tackle Perimenopause and Increase your Energy through Unique Micro-Habit Changes


Organically, before taking hormones!

Take the FREE 5 Day Energy Challenge

Most working moms struggle with finding time to focus on their own health. 

Add in Perimenopause symptoms (brain fog, hot flashes, trouble sleeping...) and it feels like doom and gloom.


Can you relate?


  • You feel like you are in survival mode and you don't have a clear list of priorities.
  • You feel impatient and emotions run high over trivial things.
  • You fuel your body with food you wouldn't consider to feed your kids.
  • You crave to be 100% present for your family, but you are too exhausted and/or your brain is in a million other places.
  • You run on coffee only to find the 2pm slump is extra "slumpy."
  • You feel too swamped to take a step back and strategize to put a plan into place.
  • You sometimes worry that you have already failed.
  • You find yourself quitting before giving strategies a chance to work.
  • You have been told by a medical provider that something needs to change, yet the thought of change is daunting.
  • You are ready to build healthier habits but need guidance and a customized action plan.


If you are nodding your head to any of these, you are in the right place.

I Don't Want to Feel like a walking Zombie anymore!

About Me

I am a Perimenopausal mom of two very busy and energetic boys who are involved in several after school activities. 


I have been a Registered Nurse for 17 years and currently work a full time corporate job. I know the struggles of motherhood and trying to be the best person for all the others around: kids, family, spouse, employer, friends; and trying to do ALL the things: house chores, doctor’s appointments, chauffeur, gatherings/meetups, vet appointments… I could go on. For a while I felt like a zombie mom just going through the motions, eating whatever was in sight, not making conscious and intentional decisions about anything related to my self-care and growing to despise the person I was becoming on the outside as well as on the inside.  

I also felt like I was a walking shell, not truly enjoying the moments with my kids that were right in front of me.


3 years ago I lost 15 pounds by making a conscious and intentional decision to focus on my health, adding in intentional movement and being intentional with the food I was feeding my body. With that, came energy, self-admiration and confidence, empowerment to tackle my daily tasks and the desire to be more interactive with my family and actually enjoy myself and the moments. It’s fun being fun! 


As a nurse, I knew that the lifestyle habits I had developed were not life sustaining and I have seen in real life the outcomes of poor lifestyle habits of many of my patients. It’s quite sad, honestly, when you hear someone tell you, “if I could go back, I would have done it differently.”

Sometimes, you need to take a deep breath, rise up, give yourself a swift kick in the butt and tell yourself “I can do hard things.”

Here's how to get your ENERGY back

I'm Ready to Feel Energized!

You deserve to feel ENERGIZED, CONFIDENT, and EMPOWERED every day. 

After 17 years in the medical field, I have taken my nursing experience and created a formula that you can customize to fit your desirable goals.

Don't Let the Stress and Exhaustion of Perimenopause negatively Impact your life


Long-term stress and exhaustion can lead to:

  • weight gain
  • difficulty losing weight
  • chronic pain
  • headaches
  • insomnia
  • digestive issues
  • heart problems
  • anxiety and depression
  • weakened immune system 

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